About Me

I’ve always been entranced by TV and film ever since I was a young boy.  I would even pretend to make my own shows.  This led to me pursuing a career in producing, writing, and directing TV shows and movies.

I’d always think of various ideas in my head.  However, I didn’t have to confidence yet to write them down.  Later, I began writing them, and little by little, I have learned how to write a good screenplay.

More recently, I developed a new career interest: writing books.  While, I had never been as interested in books as a child, following the writing/books blog of a woman I follow on Twitter, caused me to begin the explore the world of literature and consider how many of my TV and Film Ideas would work if they were books.

4 thoughts on “About Me

    • Thank you for your kind words.

      I don’t really have much, and I am not too experienced. I have some stuff on my YouTube channel. It’s not very good, but I’m only a student; I’ve got lots of times to improve. But my YouTube channel is youtube.com/user/easjr1991. I do have some editing projects from the past semester, but they are not uploaded. But I very well might.

  1. thank you for following my blog, I hope that you find something interesting there now and again. You are an avid blogger I see and good luck with all that and the other siff going on in your life ! D.

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